Beyond the Numbers with McKissock Appraisal

Getting Started in Real Estate Appraisal: A Trainee's Story with Jordan Morgan

Episode Summary

In this episode of Beyond the Numbers with McKissock Appraisal, we interview Jordan Morgan, an aspiring real estate appraiser who became registered in the state of North Carolina as a Trainee Real Estate Appraiser in January 2021. EPISODE TIMESTAMPS: - [01:40] Why start in real estate appraisal? - [05:07] Jordan’s training journey as a real estate appraisal trainee - [10:40] Challenges entering the real estate appraisal industry - [13:24] Breaking down the barriers to entry in real estate appraisal - [18:53] Fair housing, bias, and how "analysis paralysis" impacts real estate appraisal - [30:04] Adopting a hybrid model and new technologies to utilize as an appraiser

Episode Notes

“How Getting Started in Real Estate Appraisal Can Open Doors and Create Opportunities”

The journey to becoming a real estate appraiser requires effort, but the career options it can provide are well worth the commitment needed to break into the industry. Thanks to the flexibility the industry provides, many aspiring real estate appraisers not only learn at their own pace, but eventually have greater control over their earning potential and are able to level up within the industry.

While there are definitely some challenges along the way, and specific barriers that one must break through at times, partnering with the right real estate appraisal education partner is the key to setting oneself up for success. Throughout the episode, Jordan discusses the path he hopes to carve out for himself, both he and host Julie Molendorp provide actionable advice for aspiring real estate appraisers just starting out, and we learn more about the overall state of the real estate appraisal, including a shift in focus regarding fair housing and bias within the industry.


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